Order Forms

Order forms for services

valmisfirma tellimine

Here you can easily and conveniently fill out the appropriate order form to request the service you are interested in:

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Before getting started, we highly recommend checking the availability of your desired business name. E-business registry name check->. When placing an order, you can propose several business names in order of preference. We will conduct our own review and provide an assessment of the names’ compliance with the commercial code requirements. Experience has shown that finding a suitable business name can sometimes be unexpectedly challenging.

Purchase of a ready-made company

NB! Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

Business name of the company to be purchased. *
Choose from the companies available for sale.
If you wish, a new business name.
You can suggest several names, and we will verify their availability in the e-Business Register.
Address *
Company address with the precision of the building and apartment or village and farm
Contact information *
Company email is mandatory, phone number is optional.
Planned primary activity *
Describe one of your main planned activities.
Amount of share capital *
From 01.02.2023, the minimum requirement for share capital of €2500 is no longer in effect. The share capital can be as little as €1. There is no need to make any bank payments to prove the contribution.
Shareholders *
Each shareholder's name, personal identification code, actual residence, email, and size of shareholding
Board members *
Each board member's name, personal identification code, actual residence, email
Purchase transaction form *
Preferred notary office location for notarized transaction form
VAT obligation
I wish to register the private limited company (OÜ) immediately for VAT liability
Name *
Phone *
Email *

NB! After sending your order, we recommend that you call +3725066962 to check whether your order has arrived.

Establishment of a new ready-made company or limited liability company

NB! Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

Business name *
You can suggest several business names, which we will check for suitability in the e-Business Register.
Address. *
The company address must be specified with the house and apartment number, or with the village and farm name.
Means of communication. *
The company email address is mandatory, while the phone number is optional.
Main area of activity. *
Describe one of your main planned areas of activity.
Amount of share capital. *
As of February 1, 2023, there is no longer a minimum share capital requirement of 2500€. The share capital can be as low as 1€. No bank payments are required to prove the contribution.
Shareholders *
The name, personal identification code, actual residence, email address, and size of the shareholding of each shareholder.
Board members *
The name, personal identification code, actual residence, and email address of each board member.
Method of establishment. *
VAT liability
I want to register the private limited company (OÜ) for VAT liability immediately upon establishment.
Name *
Phone *
E-mail *

NB! After sending your order, we recommend that you call +3725066962 to check whether your order has arrived.

Establishment of a non-profit organization

NB! Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

Name *
You can suggest several names, which we will check for suitability in the e-Business Register.
Adress *
The address of the MTÜ must be specified with the house and apartment number, or with the village and farm name.
e-mail *
An email address for the MTÜ is mandatory, while a phone number is optional.
The purpose of the association *
A one-sentence summary of what the MTÜ aims to achieve.
Activities to achieve the objective. *
All possible activities the MTÜ plans to undertake to achieve its objective.
Members *
The name, personal identification code, actual residence, and email address of each member of the association.
Board members *
The name, personal identification code, actual residence, and email address of each board member.
Method of establishment *
Name *
Phone *
E-mail *

NB! After sending your order, we recommend that you call +3725066962 to check whether your order has arrived.