Dear clients!
If you have an idea for starting your own business or developing an existing one and need assistance with related legal procedures, you’ve come to the right place.
We provide business legal assistance from company formation or purchasing an existing business to selling or liquidating a company, along with all the business transactions and accounting in between.
Our motto is reliability, competence, flexibility.
Director of Tallinn Business Law Office
Ando Timm

Description of services

Establishment and sale of ready-made companies, sale of previously established/operational companies
We create or sell a company tailored to your business plan, field of activity, and preferences. We also offer companies with a history.
Establishing a limited liability company
A limited liability company (OÜ) is the most common and straightforward form of business entity in Estonia. There are two options for establishing an OÜ – the standard procedure through a notarized founding agreement or the fast-track process via the e-Business Register.

Purchase and brokerage of previously established and/or operating companies
We buy your dormant limited liability company (OÜ) or non-profit association (MTÜ), or act as brokers for its sale. The liquidation process of an OÜ or MTÜ is quite lengthy and involves costs. Selling can generate income for you or relieve you of further expenses.
Changing the data in the business register
We assist in making all changes to the data registered in the business register or in the non-profit associations and foundations register, including formalizing all necessary additional documents – such as minutes of shareholders’, members’, and board meetings, articles of association, etc.

Accounting services
The accounting service includes organizing the company’s entire accounting process, starting from transferring primary documents to preparing the balance sheet, income statement, and annual financial report, along with submitting tax declarations and statistical reports.
Establishment of non-profit associations and foundations
A non-profit association (MTÜ) is a non-profit organization that uses its income solely to achieve its statutory goals. An MTÜ must have at least two members. Its main activity cannot be economic activity.
A foundation (SA) is a legal entity established for managing and using assets to achieve its statutory goals.

Consultations and business legal assistance
We advise clients on resolving issues related to business, corporate law, accounting, and taxation, and assist in drafting various contracts and other business law documents.
Contact person service
Companies whose management board is not located in Estonia must appoint a person in Estonia who can receive procedural documents and declarations of intent addressed to the company.
Company brief introduction

Tallinna Äriõigusbüroo OÜ is a company providing various business law services to entrepreneurs. It began operations in 1993. We offer services to entrepreneurs ranging from company formation, ready-made company sales, business consulting, and accounting to company liquidation procedures.
The founder, owner, and manager of the company is Ando Timm (University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics, 1988; field of work: business law assistance, consultations, advisory services, accounting).
Business register details, registrations

Business Name – Tallinna Äriõigusbüroo OÜ
Registration Code – 10290298
Established – 1997
Legal Address, Tallinn Office Address – Katusepapi 4/1 (6th floor), Tallinn
Põltsamaa Office Address – Silla 2 (2nd floor), Põltsamaa
Bank Accounts – EE882200221028557013 (Swedbank AS)
Share Capital – 2556 euros
MTR Operating License No. FIU000022 (Trust and Company Services)
Business Name – Ahto Äriteenuste OÜ
Registration Code – 10001710
Established – 1993
Legal Address – Tehnika põik 24, Põltsamaa, Jõgevamaa, 48103
Põltsamaa Office Address – Silla 2 (2nd floor), Põltsamaa
Tallinn Office Address – Katusepapi 4/1 (6th floor), Tallinn
Bank Accounts – EE742200221036111043 (Swedbank AS)
Share Capital – 2939 euros
Memberships – Member of Põltsamaa Entrepreneurs Association and Estonian Taxpayers Association
Business Name – ÄRINÕUSTAJA OÜ
Registration Code – 11231335
Established – 2006
Legal Address – Tehnika põik 24, Põltsamaa, Jõgevamaa, 48103
Office Address – Silla 2, Põltsamaa, Jõgevamaa
MTR Operating License No. FIU000022 (Trust and Company Services; subsidiary)